We'll take care of your loved ones and transfer your wealth to the next generation or a worthy charity.

Save on Estate Duty
Save on Estate Duty

The assets of a trust are not taxable under the Estate Duty Act.

Assets are kept at fixed value
Protect your assets

If a founder becomes insolvent, the assets in the trust are protected.

A Trust doesn’t die
Continual support

Continuity of financial support and protection even if founder of trust passes away.

  • Features

    Protection of assets
    A beneficiary can’t sell a right in a trust (unlike shares in a company). If a founder or beneficiary becomes insolvent, the assets in the trust continue to be protected (unlike shares in a company).

    Tax-efficient income splitting
    Income from a trust can be structured in a number of ways to provide tax efficiency. For example, R100 000 earned by a trust can be split between five beneficiaries, so they earn R20 000 each.

    Assuming they earn no other income, they would pay no tax as this amount is below the tax threshold.

    Custodianship of assets
    Custodianship of the assets of the trust prevents them from being squandered or wastefully dissipated, for example, in those instances where the beneficiary is a minor, insolvent, incapacitated or inexperienced in money matters.

  • Benefits

    We have good reasons why you should appoint us as a co-trustee:

    • You and/or your spouse may not have sufficient knowledge and time to manage the investments of the trust and fulfill all the legal and administrative responsibilities.
    • Absa Trust will protect the interests of the beneficiaries (dependants, children, elderly parents) if you and/or your spouse should die or be incapacitated.
    • The tax and Estate Duty advantages of a trust may be forfeited if the owners of the assets and founders of the trust, that is, you and your spouse, are the only trustees.
  • Types of trusts

    • Testamentary trust
    • Inter-vivos trust
    • Beneficiary fund/employee benefit trusts
  • Duties of a trustee

    • Give effect to the trust deed.
    • Take control of the trust property.
    • Preserve the trust property.
    • Collect debts due to the trust.
    • Perform supervision and inquiry duty.
    • Keep proper accounts and records as part of the administration process of the trust.
    • Invest trust funds.
    • Act, in the performance of his/her duties and the exercise of his/her powers, with the care, diligence and skill that can reasonably be expected of a person who manages the affairs of another.
  • Contact us

    Contact Wills Direct on:

    0860 627 775

    Contact Trusts on:

    0861 238 886

    Contact Estate Intake Centre on:

    0860 110 287


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