Set and achieve your financial goals

  • Immediately

    • Pay your debts and bills on time
    • Create a monthly budget
    • Identify areas where you can reduce spending and save
    • Apply for additional loans if you know you can afford to pay the monthly repayment amount
    • Determine your net worth using the below calculation (your goal is to have a positive net worth):
      • Total assets – Total liabilities = Net worth
      • Total assets: Combine all your money from your savings or cheque accounts, trust funds, property value, car value, stock value, etc.
      • Total liabilities: Combine all your debts such as home mortgage, credit card balance, etc
  • Short term

    • Check your credit status and financial reputation regularly
    • Review your bank statement and confirm that all debit orders are correct
    • If you have a car, make sure it’s insured for the correct book value
    • Shop around for insurance
    • Reduce your cellphone bills
    • Get the best deal on your bank accounts (Call your bank to make sure you have the best fee option on your accounts)
    • Consolidate your credit card debt and commit to pay off your account as soon as possible.
    • Reducing your credit card and overdraft limits
    • Review the value-add services on all your accounts so that you know what that R3 or R4 is for on every one of your statements
    • If you have a home loan, consider fixing your home loan interest rate
  • Medium term

    • Pay the amount agreed to on each account on time and each month
    • Pay off the smallest credit account first
    • Pay in a bit more on the credit card that charges the highest interest rate
    • Pay extra into your home loan every month
    • Always save at least three months' living expenses, should any unforeseen accident, loss of employment or emergency arise
  • Long term

    • Save and invest for your future, your children’s education, or for retirement
    • Invest in a home you can afford
    • Lower your monthly repayments by applying to consolidate your debt with your home loan
    • Invest in yourself and increase your earning power
Need more help?

Let one of our call centre agents help you get the best credit card for your needs.

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0861 462 273

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