When applying for a home loan or any other type of credit, you will come across the term ‘credit score’. Most of us know that a credit score is necessary to get any type of credit especially a home loan, but what is a credit score and how is it worked out? We’ve put together some simple information for you to understand your score and how it is used.
So, what is a credit score?
Your credit score shows how much risk you present to a lender. It’s a measure of your ability to repay a loan and, as such, it is used by lenders to determine how much credit you can get. So your credit score will partly determine how much money you can borrow or the interest rate you will pay on that credit.
Your credit report is where you can find your credit score. You credit report contains information on your credit history and financial dealings. A lot of the information in a credit report is confidential and that’s why only licensed credit bureaus maintain the credit reports and the information they contain.
Struggling with debt?
If you are struggling with debt and account repayments, consider debt counselling. A debt counsellor can help you work out a plan to settle your debt and increase your credit score.
Inaccurate report?
If you get a report from a credit bureau that you think is inaccurate, you must contact that bureau and try to resolve the issue. Remember your credit score reflects on you and directly impacts the credit you can access.
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