Your employees are your biggest investment, particularly if you are a small and medium enterprise (SME). Our Employee Care Plan affords you the opportunity to take care of your employees’ future and that of their loved ones. The group life insurance also covers your employees if they are permanently disabled while performing their duties in the workplace, or when they pass away.

Get started

What our Employee Care Plan covers

Our Employee Care Plan includes any combination of the following to suit the needs of your employees or taxi association members and your budget:

Life cover
Life cover

The amount of cover you select (between R50 000 and R2.5 million) will be paid as a lump sum to the insured person’s beneficiaries if they pass away.

Occupational disability cover
Occupational disability cover

The amount of cover you select (up to a maximum of R2.5 million for Group Cover) is paid if the insured person is permanently occupationally disabled.

Funeral cover
Funeral cover

The amount of cover you select (between R5 000 and R50 000) will be paid if the insured person or any of their family members covered under the policy pass away. 

Terminal illness
Terminal illness

If an employee is diagnosed with a terminal illness and is expected to pass away within 12 months, they can choose 100% of the lump sum to be paid in advance to them or their beneficiaries. This is offered as a compulsory rider to the life cover benefit.

Premium waiver
Premium waiver

When an insured person passes away, their spouse and dependents continue to receive funeral cover for a further six months at no cost. This is offered as a compulsory rider to the funeral cover benefit.

Grocery benefit
Grocery benefit

The primary beneficiary receives an additional R3 000 cash lump sum with which to buy groceries after the insured person’s death. This is offered as a compulsory rider to the life cover benefit.

All your qualifying employees are covered

Our Employee Care Plan is a compulsory scheme, and all employees of the policyholder (employer) or taxi association members need to be part of the scheme. Each insured employee or taxi association member will have the level of cover offered by the scheme (they cannot choose their own level of cover).

The Employee Care Plan covers all your employees who are:

  • 18 to 64 years old (current age)
  • “Actively at work” within the borders of South Africa
  • Working at least 20 hours a week
  • Foreigners, as long as they remain legally able to live and work in South Africa.

What you need to know

  • Paying your premiums

    • Payment for your policy is monthly in arrears
    •  Missed payments have a grace period of 60 days. During this time, the policyholder can make payment of missed premiums without a lapse in coverage
    • Your policy lapses after three unsuccessful premium collection attempts. Any claims after lapse are not paid

    Please note the cover commences on the date that the policy is issued.

  • Waiting period

    • A six-month waiting period is applicable only when an employee is disabled due to natural causes
    • For employee policies, there is no waiting period for death, funeral and accidental disability benefits
    • For taxi association policies, a six-month waiting period applies to the funeral benefits for death due to natural causes, but there is no waiting period for death due to accidental causes.
  • Deferred period

    • A six-month deferred period is applicable to the disability benefit. This is to allow for a full assessment of the disability and its impact on the covered employee
  • Cover limits

    Maximum cover per benefit


    Death and disability



    R50 000

    R10 000


    R2 500 000

    R50 000

    Cover limit of funeral benefits

    Main member or spouse

    100% of cover

    Child aged 14-21

    100% of cover

    Child aged 6-13

    50% of cover  

    Child aged 0-6

    50% of cover (maximum R10 000)

Managing your policy

If you are an employer, you may need to add new employees or remove existing employees from your current Employee Care Plan policy. Login below.

Employer login

If you are an employee, you may need to complete your onboarding process or update your beneficiaries on your current Employee Care Plan policy. Login below.

Employee login


Cover termination age



Occupational Disability Benefit: 65 years.

Children (under Family Funeral plans): 21 years.



Policy inception date




The cover begins on the date the policy is issued, even if the first premium has not been paid.


Policy term



One-year, can be renewed annually.

Three-month notice will be given to policyholders when the scheme is due for renewal.



Cooling off period



Cooling off period is 31 days.

During this time the policyholder can cancel their policy with a refund of any premium that has been paid.



Can I reinstate my policy?




After the policy has lapsed, the policyholder has one month to reinstate cover by paying outstanding premiums. The policy can be reinstated a maximum of five times during the life of the policy.

If policyholder does not use this option, they will need to take out a new policy, potentially at a different premium. Medical questions will also be asked, and a new waiting period will apply.






Employee can have up to four beneficiaries.

If a beneficiary has not been chosen, the payout goes into the estate. If the beneficiary is a minor (younger than 18), the payout goes to their guardian.






Not applicable.





Cancellation can be instituted anytime during the term of policy.

Need more help?

Call us on:

021 045 1640

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