Need to make or receive fast payments? Use PayShap. It’s the new, faster way to send or receive payments of up to R3 000.

Why use PayShap

  • Benefits of using PayShap

    • Instant: PayShap payments reflect in bank accounts within seconds
    • Convenient: Make and receive payments using your ShapID (which can be a cellphone number or an Absa-generated business ShapID)
    • Interbank payments in seconds: Send money instantly between participating banks
    • Safe: All PayShap payments are safe and secure, no need to carry cash with you anymore

  • What you need to know

    As an Absa customer,  you will only be able to use PayShap via your Banking App.

    • You can make and receive PayShap payments to and from your Absa bank account.
    • You can register your cellphone number, or an Absa-generated business ShapID as a ShapID.
    • Your ShapID is linked to a selected Absa bank account.
    • Initially, Absa will launch PayShap to its single-user App clients only. In time, PayShap will be made available to our clients with more than one Absa App user, linked to their digital profiles.
    • PayShap payments can only be made to participating banks.

  • Register your ShapID

    1.  Log in to your Absa Banking App

    2.  Tap on your profile, then select ‘Register your cellphone number for PayShap now!’

    3. Read the information, then tap ‘Register now’

    4.  Your cellphone number will be prepopulated with the number on your banking profile

    5. Enter your Known-as name

    6. Select an account to link to your ShapID

    7. Accept the terms and conditions

    Tap ‘Next’

    8. Confirm your preference to have Absa as your primary ShapID (Your payments will be automatically deposited into your linked Absa account. You do not have to share your bank (Absa) with the sender.
    Tap ‘Next’

    9. Confirm your details

    10. Proxy successfully registered

    11. Tap ‘Share’ to send your ShapID with your friends and family, or tap ‘Done’ to return to the home screen

    Note: To receive payments, share your ShapID with debtors and prospective payers. To make payments, your clients will simply enter your ShapID, confirm your details as the intended payment recipient, and approve the payment. Simple, easy and fast.


  • Register your Absa-generated ShapID

    1. Download the latest version of the Absa Banking App, then log in
    2. Tap on your profile, then select ‘Register your ShapID’
    3. Read the information, then tap ‘Register my Absa-generated business ShapID’
    4. Select ‘Apply’
    5. Enter your ‘ShapID descriptor’
    6. Select an account to link to your Absa business ShapID
    7. Tap ‘Next’
    8. Confirm to have Absa as your primary bank (payments will be deposited automatically into your Absa bank account linked to your Primary ShapID)
    9. Tap “Next” to accept the Terms and Conditions
    10. Tap ‘Confirm details’
    11. Your Absa-generated ShapID is successfully registered! *
    12. Tap ‘Share’ to send your ShapID to beneficiaries, or tap ‘Done’ to return to the home screen

    Note: To receive payments, share your Absa-generated ShapID with debtors and prospective payers. To make payments, your clients will simply enter your ShapID, confirm your details as the intended payment recipient, and approve the payment. Simple, easy and fast.

  • Make a PayShap payment

    1. Download the latest version of the Absa Banking App, then and log in
    2. Tap ‘Pay’
      Tap ‘Pay someone new’ and enter the amount you want to pay
      The ‘From account’ field will automatically default to your selected payment account
      Tap ‘Next’
    3. Select ‘New! Use ShapID’ or ‘Use account detail’, or tap ‘Cancel’
    4. Enter your beneficiary account or ShapID details and tap ‘Next’
    5. Confirm your beneficiary payment details and tap ‘Next’ 
    6. Enter your preferred payment details
      Tap ‘Pay’ to complete your transaction, or Tap ‘Cancel’  
    7. Accept or reject the transaction details to approve your PayShap payment
    8. Download notice of payment or tap ‘Done’.
      Your PayShap payment is successful!

Frequently asked questions

  • How long does it take to make a PayShap payment?

    The payment will reflect instantly in the recipient’s account – in less than 10 seconds.

  • How much can I transfer in a single transaction?

    Up to R3 000 per transaction.

    Note: Individual account or profile limits apply as specified on Absa Digital channel profiles.

  • What is my PayShap ID?

    Your ShapID is your PayShap registered cellphone number at your bank.  For businesses an Absa-generated business ShapID.

  • What is a Primary ShapID?

    You may register your ShapID at multiple participant banks. Should you choose a ShapID as your Primary ShapID, PayShap payments will be directed to your Primary ShapID linked account automatically.

  • What is an Absa-generated business ShapID?

    An Absa-generated business ShapID is an 11-digit number generated by Absa for our business customers, which is linked as a ShapID to your bank account number. Payments can then be made to you, using your ShapID, without entering your full set of banking account information before sending monies to your bank account via your ShapID.

  • Do I have to have a ShapID to use PayShap?

    To make and receive a payment, you do not have to have a registered ShapID.

    To make or receive a PayShap payment, and if you do not have a registered ShapID, the recipient of monies will need to provide their account details to the payer. If you want to provide your cellphone number or Absa-generated business ShapID for payment, you must have a registered ShapID. With both methods of payment, PayShap payments will reflect in the payment recipient’s bank account within seconds.

    Note: Both the payer and recipient’s banks need to be PayShap-participating banks.

  • Do I have to have a bank account to use PayShap?

    Yes, PayShap is only offered to bank account holders.

    Note: Both the payer and recipient’s banks need to be PayShap participants to facilitate PayShap transactions.

  • Can I pay anyone using PayShap?

    You can pay anyone using PayShap, provided they bank with one of the PayShap participating banks.

  • Can I make international payments with PayShap?

    No, PayShap is only for payments within the borders of South Africa.

  • How many transactions can I do per day?

    You can make as many PayShap transactions as you wish.

    Note: Individual account or profile limits apply as specified on Absa Digital channel profiles.

  • Can I pay with PayShap at a store?

    Yes, if the store accepts payment for goods or services via PayShap.

    Note: Individual account or profile limits apply as specified on Absa Digital channel profiles.

  • Can I save a beneficiary?

    For now, you will need to capture payment details every time you want to complete a PayShap payment to a specific recipient.  The ability to save PayShap beneficiary details will be launched soon.

  • Do I need a smartphone to do PayShap transactions?

    Yes, you need a smartphone to perform PayShap transactions. Also, you need to download the Absa Banking App.

  • Can I use any cellphone number to register for PayShap payments?

    No. The cellphone number you use as your ShapID is the one registered on your banking profile.

  • Can I perform a PayShap transaction using any of my bank accounts?

    Yes, if your bank offers PayShap and your recipient’s bank is a PayShap participating bank. PayShap payments can be made to and from transactional (cheque) accounts and/or transactional savings accounts.